• Main Office Plot 2439, Block 221 along Rainbow Rise, Kiira Nalya - KAMPALA
  • info@appcoug.org

Emergency Response

Emergency Response

Our Main Interventions

APPCO First Response: Training first responders:

APPCO took the first approach in identifying the first responders and training on COVID-19 measures, including basic response to GBV, adolescent-friendly communication techniques and specific issues related to adolescent girls, such as early marriage during #stayathome. Over 480 first responders were trained in 120 communities.

Providing girls with dignity/hygiene kits.

APPCO provided washing facilities as issues related to girls’ access to communal WASH facilities and their ability to wash and access sanitary products were challenging.

Refugee response.

UNHCR and partners, nearly all response efforts rally immediately to cater to the overall safety, food, shelter, and health needs. However, war and conflict also trigger some disorders and family support networks for children and women. If left untreated, they hinder all other physical help. APPCO targets improving the education and health needs of children by creating a safe and protective school learning environment and building the capacity of social structures that have the potential to support children enrolling and remaining in schools. We are aware of the cognitive needs of children, and APPCO conducts psychosocial.

Our main Achievements

872 pre-primary children engaged using the community centre learning approach during covid-19 and supported to transition to ECD centre learning once schools opened.
873 households in Northern and Northeastern Uganda were boosted in improved agricultural and nutritional capacities due to APPCOs agricultural inputs support.
Supporting Construction and maintenance of ECD centres.
Using the community-led approach supported the construction of classroom blocks in 3 ECD centres in the Lamwo district.
Supporting schools with Handwashing Facilities during COVID-19.
Supporting Family livelihood Within refugee communities.